feel good, do good

184 - The Most Eye-Opening 18 mins of Your Life!

Neslie Foliente Season 1 Episode 184

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Ever wonder why some of the most intelligent and motivated people get stuck, unable to reach their true goals? This episode dives deep into the root causes - from limiting beliefs to subconscious programming - and shares transformative techniques to rewrite your mindset and achieve the success you deserve. Packed with insights from psychology, personal development, and real-life stories, you'll discover actionable steps to boost productivity, improve your health, and manifest the life you envision.

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[00:00:00] - Highly intelligent individuals often feel stuck despite their motivation and hard work.  
[00:01:15] - Importance of focusing on inner well-being alongside external success.  
[00:02:03] - Growth occurs outside of comfort zones; brains are wired for safety.  
[00:03:01] - Success stories show mindset, not resources, drives achievement.  
[00:04:00] - Early experiences shape beliefs that can lead to self-sabotage.  
[00:05:48] - Rewiring beliefs is essential for overcoming limitations and achieving success.  
[00:08:03] - Limit negative influences to shift your mindset positively.  
[00:09:36] - Surround yourself with positive people who inspire growth and success.  
[00:10:52] - Working with a mentor can help uncover self-sabotaging blind spots.  
[00:11:16] - Consistency in small habits leads to significant life changes over time.  
[00:13:20] - Self-improvement requires changing your self-concept and beliefs about yourself.  
[00:14:27] - Commit to personal growth in silence for 90 days to transform your life.  
[00:16:12] - Your life reflects your beliefs; change your self-concept to change your reality.  
[00:17:21] - Control your mind for a better life; transformation takes consistent effort.  

[00:00:00] Highly intelligent and motivated individuals often find themselves stuck in various aspects of life, such as careers, finances, or personal growth. This stagnation is not due to a lack of drive, as many work harder than others. The underlying issue is often related to comfort zones and the brain's wiring, which prioritizes safety and comfort over growth.

[00:00:22] The speaker shares personal experiences of dealing with health challenges, including skin breakouts and fatigue, which were eventually traced back to a vitamin D deficiency. This experience highlighted the importance of focusing on inner well-being alongside external success. The discussion will explore concepts related to success, self-improvement, and mindset that can significantly impact one's life.

[00:01:50] The speaker emphasizes that the issue of smart people feeling stuck is deeper than mere resources. Despite living in an age with unparalleled access to knowledge, many individuals remain at the same level of success. Historical figures like Colonel Sanders and Oprah Winfrey overcame significant adversity not because they had more resources, but due to their mindset and determination to push through discomfort.

[00:02:47] Mindset is identified as the secret to overcoming stagnation. How individuals think, act, and respond to the world directly affects their outcomes. Early beliefs formed during childhood can shape one's self-image and influence future success. The speaker illustrates this with an example of a child who interprets a parent's dismissal as a sign of unworthiness, leading to self-sabotage later in life.

[00:04:45] The concept of self-image is further explored through Maxwell Maltz's psycho-cybernetics, which posits that one's self-image sets the ceiling for success. If individuals believe they are unworthy or incapable, they will unconsciously sabotage their progress. Rewiring these beliefs is essential for overcoming limitations and achieving success.

[00:05:48] The speaker discusses the importance of mastering inner dialogue and recognizing the battle between the conscious and unconscious mind. Many actions are driven by habits rather than conscious decisions, making it crucial to align subconscious beliefs with conscious goals. Bruce Lipton's "The Biology of Belief" is referenced, highlighting how subconscious programming shapes reality.

[00:08:03] Practical steps for self-improvement are introduced. The first step is to limit negative influences by filtering out negativity from media and conversations. Consuming positive and uplifting content can significantly shift one's mindset. The speaker cites Penny Pierce's "Frequency," emphasizing the impact of the frequencies we expose ourselves to on our energy levels.

[00:09:36] Surrounding oneself with positive people is the second step. The speaker encourages seeking mentors, coaches, or friends who inspire growth. The environment plays a crucial role in success, and individuals should be mindful of the company they keep. Sandra Antaler's "Quantum Success" is mentioned, reinforcing the idea that high-energy people can elevate one's vibration.

[00:10:42] Working with a mentor or coach is the third step, as they can help uncover blind spots that hinder progress. Often, issues like time management may stem from deeper fears of rejection or failure. A mentor can assist in addressing these root causes.

[00:11:16] The speaker introduces the concept of the 90-day habit, emphasizing the power of consistency. By committing to one keystone habit for 90 days, individuals can trigger a ripple effect that improves various aspects of their lives. The example of Jerry Seinfeld is provided, illustrating how daily practice can lead to mastery.

[00:13:05] Self-improvement is framed as a journey of changing one's self-concept. The speaker encourages listeners to believe in their potential and to work quietly on personal growth. The transformation process should happen in silence, allowing individuals to emerge unrecognizable in a positive way.

[00:14:56] The speaker poses a thought-provoking question about the consequences of not trying to achieve one's goals due to fear or procrastination. The actions taken define the future, and a commitment to personal growth is essential. Distractions such as social media and binge-watching should be minimized to focus on becoming the best version of oneself.

[00:15:54] The speaker reiterates that life reflects beliefs, and changing one's self-concept is crucial for altering reality. Personal experiences of overcoming health challenges serve as a reminder that small, simple changes can lead to significant improvements. Taking care of mental and physical health is foundational for success.

[00:17:21] The speaker concludes by emphasizing the power of the mind and the importance of controlling it through consistent effort. Starting small and focusing on one habit can lead to meaningful transformation over time. The message encourages listeners to take charge of their lives and commit to personal growth.