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174- Inner Trust, Outer Peace: Mastering the Art of Self-Care

Neslie Foliente Season 1 Episode 174

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Dive into the essence of trust in self-care in our latest podcast episode. Discover how believing in yourself transforms your wellness journey!

In today's episode, we're peeling back the layers on a vital yet often overlooked aspect of self-care: trust. Trust in oneself isn't just a nice-to-have; it's the cornerstone of any personal growth journey. Imagine trying to build a house on shaky ground. That's what self-care without trust is like. But how do we cultivate this trust? How does it change the way we approach our wellness journey?

In this podcast episode, we delve deep into how trust shapes every aspect of our self-care practices. Remember, when you trust yourself, you unlock a world of possibilities.

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Picture Claudia in the early morning hours, gazing into the mirror, her eyes reflecting determination laced with a touch of doubt. Like many of us, Claudia’s life is a juggling act of career, personal aspirations, and that ever-growing list of tasks. And like us, she's her harshest critic.

"Am I doing enough?" "Why do I always feel behind?" These aren't just Sarah's worries. They're a chorus sung by many, a narrative about the internal battles we face, with trust, or the absence of it, playing a pivotal role.

Hey everyone, welcome back! If it's your first time here, a big, warm welcome to you! And to our regulars, you're the heartbeat of this journey we're on together. Whether you're new or a familiar friend, don't forget to subscribe – it's a small action for you, but a huge leap for our community!

In today's episode, we're delving into a topic that's universal yet rarely spoken about – self-trust, particularly in the realm of self-care.

By the end of our episode, I aim to equip you not just with insights but practical tools to transform self-doubt into self-trust

Now, let's delve into the essence of today's theme – Self-Trust. It's more than just self-belief; it's the foundation of our being, the stabilizer no matter how hard life gets.

Self-trust is a blend of confidence in your capabilities and the conviction that you can handle life's curveballs. It involves knowing your values, your strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, extending kindness to yourself, even in the face of mistakes. After all, we all falter at times.

A deficit in self-trust is like treading on unstable ground. You're perpetually questioning your decisions and your capabilities. It's draining, isn't it? But remember, self-trust isn't an innate trait; it's a skill that can be nurtured.

So, keep an open mind as we explore how to cultivate this vital skill.

The domino effect of inadequate self-trust is akin to a single domino setting off a chain reaction. Let's say you're at work, facing a major project. With self-trust, you dive in, make decisions, and adapt even if things aren't perfect. But without it? Every choice feels fraught with potential disaster. You hesitate, procrastinate, and might even miss opportunities. And this isn't confined to just work; it permeates every aspect of life – relationships, personal growth, and even health.

Consider Claudia from our introduction. Her reluctance to trust herself impacted not just her work, but her relationships and self-care too. It's a ripple effect that can touch every facet of your life.

But, remember, this is not a tale of despair. Recognizing this domino effect is the first step in halting it. And that's precisely what we're here to do.

Let's bring this concept to life with some real-life examples.

Mark, who overlooked red flags in a relationship because he doubted his instincts, only realised the importance of trusting his judgment post-breakup. Then there's Priya, whose self-doubt at work held her back from career advancements. Once she started believing in herself, she not only landed a promotion but flourished in her role.

Neuroscience sheds light on the role of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex in trust, especially self-trust. The amygdala, our brain's alarm system, is crucial in processing emotions, while the prefrontal cortex, akin to a CEO, oversees decision-making and risk assessment. When these two areas harmonize, they foster trust in our judgments and decisions.

Here’s the fun fact: Oxytocin, the hormone associated with love and bonding, also plays a role in trust-building in our brains. It's the brain's way of signalling, "It's okay to relax and trust."

Psychologists affirm that trust is vital for mental well-being. With self-trust, we're more likely to possess higher self-esteem, robust coping mechanisms, and a positive life outlook. It enables us to embrace challenges, rebound from setbacks, and believe in our potential.

Conversely, a lack of self-trust can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, trapping us in a cycle of doubt and negative self-talk. But the silver lining? By fostering self-trust, we can enhance our mental health, as everything is interconnected.

Consistency and vulnerability are crucial in building trust. Consistency aligns actions with words.

How do we practice it? 

An ancient yet relevant tool for building self-trust is mindfulness. Being present in the moment without being overwhelmed or overly reactive enhances self-awareness, the first step to understanding and trusting yourself.

Practising mindfulness can be as simple as dedicating a few minutes daily to focus on your breathing and observing your thoughts and sensations without judgment.

Next, let's explore positive self-talk. It's about changing the narrative you have with yourself from a critical to a supportive tone. Recognizing negative thoughts and intentionally replacing them with positive affirmations reprograms your brain to trust in your abilities and value your worth.

Lastly, habit formation and its role in building self-trust. Consistency in keeping promises to yourself lays the foundation of self-trust. Setting small, attainable goals and consistently achieving them strengthens this trust.

In relationships, self-trust fosters authenticity, strengthening connections with others. Sam and Jordan's marriage, for example, flourished as they each developed trust, leading to improved communication and understanding.

Today's episode on self-trust offers a pathway for personal growth. Whether you're beginning your self-care journey or looking to deepen it, trust is a critical ally.

So, I encourage you to start small. Choose one trust-building technique from today's talk and try it out. Remember, progress over perfection.

As we move forward on this journey, remember, that you're not alone.  Together, we grow stronger.

Thank you for joining today's episode. If it resonates with you, don't forget to subscribe and share. Remember, self-trust is the first step in any self-care journey.

Until next time, take care!