feel good, do good

168- The Hidden Side of Stress: Simple Self-care Secrets for Busy Lives

Neslie Foliente Season 1 Episode 168

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Hey everyone! In our latest episode, we're getting real about stress and self-care. Forget the clichés – I’m taking you beyond bubble baths and spa days into the true essence of looking after yourself.

Join me as I share personal journey with stress and how simple, daily acts of self-care have been game-changers for my mood and health. We’ll explore how chronic stress affects us more than we think, but don’t worry, it’s not all serious – I’ve got some easy, practical tips for you to try out.

And here’s the cool part: by managing our own stress, we can positively impact those around us. So, ready to change how you see self-care? 

Tune in to this latest episode for some honest, down-to-earth chat on making self-care a real part of your stress-busting toolkit. Let’s do this! 

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168 - Stress Management 

00:00 Introduction to Stress and Self-Care

00:52 Understanding Stress

01:11 The True Meaning of Self-Care

01:39 Practical Self-Care Tips for Everyday Life

01:56 Personal Story: The Impact of Self-Care

02:27 The Science Behind Self-Care and Stress

02:41 Physical Effects of Stress

02:57 How to Incorporate Self-Care into Your Routine

03:23 The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

03:37 Starting Small with Self-Care

03:54 The Importance of Self-Care for Everyone

04:04 Conclusion: Managing Stress with Self-Care

04:32 Invitation to Share Your Self-Care Practices

04:50 Signing Off and Final Thoughts

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? You wake up late, your coffee spills, your boss is on your case, and by the time you’re home, you’re so wound up that even the slightest thing feels like it could set you off. Yeah, we’ve all been there. That, my friends, is stress in full colour. But what if I told you there’s a way to not just survive these days but to actually manage them better? That’s where self-care comes in.

Self-care is often painted as this luxurious, almost indulgent concept. You know, long baths, expensive spa days, the works. But it's so much more than that. It’s about understanding what your mind and body need and giving yourself permission to provide that, guilt-free.

So, let’s break this down.

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to your podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of what makes us tick, thrive, and, sometimes, just need a break. I’m your host, Neslie, and today, we’re going to tackle something that I bet has touched each of our lives in more ways than one: the relationship between self-care and stress management. So, grab your favourite cup of coffee, tea, or whatever helps you unwind, and let’s get into it. And hey, if you find today’s chat helpful, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.

First up, stress. We throw this word around a lot, but what is it really? Stress is basically our body’s reaction to any demand or challenge. It’s not always bad, though. Stress can be a motivator, pushing us to meet that deadline or ace that presentation. But chronic stress, the kind that feels constant and overwhelming, can be a real issue.

Effective self-care practices can significantly reduce stress, improve our mood, and boost overall health. It’s not just about pampering yourself; it’s about taking care of your well-being.

Let’s get real here. How can we practice self-care in our every day, often chaotic lives? It’s about finding little pockets of peace. Maybe it’s taking five minutes to meditate in the morning, going for a quick walk during your lunch break, or just turning off your phone for an hour before bed. These small acts can create buffers against stress.

Let me tell you a story. A few years back, I was juggling a demanding job, a social life, family responsibilities – you name it. I was constantly on edge. Then, I started incorporating small self-care routines into my day. Simply just sitting and listening to my favourite music. Slowly, I noticed a change. My stress levels didn’t disappear, but they became manageable. I was happier, more present, and surprisingly more productive.

And it’s not just me. people who engage in self-care activities have lower stress levels and better health outcomes. It’s science, folks!

In steps self-care, our superhero in disguise. Self-care often gets branded as a millennial fad – all avocado toast and bubble baths. But it’s so much more. It’s about taking the time to look after your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Here’s the kicker: stress isn’t just a mental thing. It has physical effects too. Have you ever noticed how, after a really stressful period, you might catch a cold or feel run down? That’s not a coincidence. Chronic stress can weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses.

Now, I want you to think about your life. What small changes can you make to introduce self-care into your routine? 

Remember, it’s not one-size-fits-all. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s okay. The key is to find something that you enjoy and that helps you unwind. It could be reading, gardening, cooking, you name it. The key is to listen to your body and mind.

Self-care activities can lower cortisol levels – that’s the stress hormone – and improve overall well-being.

Here’s something else to ponder: when you take care of yourself, it has a ripple effect. Think about it. When you’re less stressed, you’re more patient, kinder, and more present in your interactions with others. Your good vibes can actually spread to those around you.

Start small. Pick one thing you can do each day for yourself. It might be as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee. Or maybe it’s writing down three things you’re grateful for every night before bed. These small acts can have a big impact over time.

I get it, though. Sometimes we feel guilty for taking time for ourselves. But here’s the thing: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn’t just good for you; it’s good for everyone in your life.

I want you to remember this: managing stress isn’t about eradicating it from your life. That’s not realistic. It’s about understanding it and having the tools to deal with it. And that’s where self-care comes in.

To wrap this up, managing stress isn’t about eliminating it completely. It’s about understanding it and knowing how to handle it through self-care. And trust me, your future self will thank you for taking these steps today.

So, there it is. The profound often underestimated the power of self-care in managing stress. 

I’d love to hear how you manage stress and practice self-care. Drop a comment, send a message, and let’s make this a community conversation.

I hope today’s episode gave you some food for thought and maybe even inspired you to take that first step towards a less stressful life. Don’t forget to subscribe for more topics like this. Until next time, this is Neslie, signing off. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Stay mindful and take care!